Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find watch full
A mysterious briefcase in hand, Newt Scamander, as a young magician from England to New York, while his way to Arizona. In the growth of stem conceals a wide range of magicheskiMezhdu us, but small, not twig-like, not large and majestic. It’s mid-20s when problemsbecause of secrecy and without the delicate balance between the world of sorcerers and ordinary people or “Is Maj”, which Macusa meeting to protect against the risk of anxiety. At this time, further growth witchcraft strike day, led by Mary Lou Barebone and fuel from the disaster rosethe formation of tamnoGelert wizard Grindelwald. At the same time, with a twist of fate, precious suitcase Newt will be open to the same copy of the future bakery No. May James Kowalski, while relegatedAurore, Tina Goldstein, Newt arrested for Wizards registered.
events ObshtnosttapisatelNewt Scamanderin New York on witches and wizards seventy years before Harry Potter books in his school.