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Reasons Protein Shakes Are Currently Popular

There’s always someone guzzling a bottle of protein shake or carrying a travelling mug filled with it everywhere you look these days. With everyone being encouraged to live a healthy lifestyle in the face of the challenging economic climate, it is no surprise that every Tom, Dick and Harry as well as Mary, Jane and Frannie are all packing some sort of meal replacement bar or drink just to get through the day.


While protein shakes aren’t exactly bad for you, it is easy to misuse it and think that it is OK if it all you ever eat but then again, if you want to lose weight, build muscle or just get your required intake, having it all the time is not the way to go. Short-term results and the return of all the weight you lost with a vengeance is what you can expect if you embark on an all-liquid diet to help you lose weight faster.


Regular gym goers and bodybuilders who wanted their muscles to recover nicely after their intense workouts were who protein shakes were mostly aimed for in the old days. It was more convenient for athletes to drink protein shakes rather than eat a protein-rich meal all the time and this is why whey protein shakes were especially popular at that time.


The ordinary folk discovered that they too can partake of protein shakes even if they were not built like Arnold Schwarzenegger and that made it more appealing. Protein shakes became popular with those who worked long shifts because it filled them up in addition to the fact that it was a good protein source.


The thing is, in order for these shakes to properly work their magic it has to be coupled with a good exercise routine. If you exercise or train regularly, chances are you’ll need protein to help build your muscles and help them recover, as well as to repair any damages and tears in the tissue caused by intense training. Protein shakes are the easiest source of protein for athletes who require nourishment post training. If you are a bodybuilder, you will need one that has more protein than carbohydrates and fat and vice-versa if you are trying to lose weight although ideally, your protein content needs to be at least 50% more than carbohydrates with very little fat content as possible.


Our fondness for quick fixes is also what helped protein shakes rise from relative obscurity in addition to the fact that they contained the right combination of carbohydrates and protein for good rehydration and repair. Fast results and the fact that it accelerates the process of weight loss and muscle growth are why supplements can be very attractive even though we know a good diet is always the key.


This is why you can find protein shakes anywhere, online or off. While it can be challenging to choose the best ones, always read the label and make sure that you get the amount of protein that meets your fitness goals, no more no less.


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